Hotel Flüelerhof



Modern ***hotel with a typical touch of Swiss ambiente. Wonderful view over the "Lake of four Cantons" which winds along 38 km, deep into the Alpine ranges. Restaurants and a covered garden-terrace. Starting point to the "Swiss Path". Pizzeria Rustico -oven with wood-fire! Full-automatical fire alarm Siemens/Cerberus with direct alarm to the police -all for your safety!!!
Arrival on the autostrada A2 direction St.Gotthard. First exit after the Seelisberg-tunnel. At the roundabout left to Flüelen. We are centrally situated in a popular ski- and hiking region, on the famous Swiss path hiking trail, situated along the beginning of the lake of Four Cantons (Urnersee/ lake Luzerne). Be welcome in the country of William Tell! Exit Altdorf-Flüelen-Zürich. At the roundabaout left to Flüelen, approx. 1000m straight on and 300m after the church to the right side your destination Hotel Flüelerhof Grill Rustico!

Good to know

Getting there

Hotel Flüelerhof
Axenstrasse 38
6454 Flüelen
