



46.91 km long
round trip
Theme trail
  • 14:30 h
  • 2,024 m
  • 2,024 m
  • 995 m
  • 1,853 m
  • 858 m
  • 46.91 km
  • Start: Kloster Schaukäserei Engelberg
  • Destination: Kloster Schaukäserei Engelberg
The Alpine Cheese Trail passes by seven cheese dairies around Engelberg. This varied hiking route offers beautiful mountain views and tempting treats for cheese connoisseurs.

The route is 47 kilometres long from start to finish, but you can walk individual parts of it on day hikes. The trail starts at Engelberg Abbey’s show dairy and follows the gentle uphill hiking path to Untertrübsee. The Untertrübsee dairy, with panoramic mountain views, is the first stop. The path then crosses to the Gerschnialp dairy before going downhill through woodland to Engelberg. You follow the Engelberger Aa river on easy paths until you reach the Stäfeli dairy. From here, you can penetrate further into the mountains and head in the direction of the Surenen Pass to visit the Blackenalp dairy. Next, you head gently uphill again to the Surenen dairy. The Fürenalp is the highest point on the hike; after that you head back into the valley, down to the Horbis, before the steep path over the Schletteren brings you back to the sunny side of the valley. Here, the Hüttismatt and Langenboden dairies await you. After that you can walk back to Engelberg via Bränd, Spisboden, Heg and Bergli.

Please note that depending on weather conditions (snow conditions) not all alpine cheese dairies are occupied in June.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Engelberg-Titlis Talstation-Untertrübsee-Gerschnialp-Bänklialp-Eienwäldli-Alpenrösli-Blackenalp-Usser Äbnet-Fürenalp-Dagenstall-Zieblen-Horbis-Ristis-Hüetismatt-Spisboden-Oberbergli-Engelberg

Tour information

  • Cultural Interesting

  • Loop Road


Normal hiking equipment, sturdy hiking boots, spare clothing, toiletries, light sleeping bag and headlamp for overnight stays, food and drink on the go.

Directions & Parking facilities

Mit dem Auto fahren Sie auf der A2 (Basel-Gotthard) bis Stans Süd, dann auf der Hauptstrasse 20 km nach Engelberg. Engelberg liegt 30 Minuten von Luzern, 1 Stunde und 15 Minuten von Basel, Zürich oder Bern.
Parkplätze stehen in Engelberg kostenpflichtig zur Verfügung.
Nationale und internationale Verbindungen (ab Zürich Flughafen Verbindungen im Halbstundentakt mit ca. 1h Fahrzeit) bis Luzern. Danach mit der Zentralbahn in 43 Minuten durch eine abwechslungsreiche Landschaft hinauf nach Engelberg.

Additional information

Engelberg-Titlis Tourismus, Tel. +41 (0) 41 639 77 77,

Schaukäserei Kloster Engelberg, Tel. +41 (0) 41 638 08 88,


Engelberg - Titlis Tourismus


Engelberg-Titlis Tourismus

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

Take along plenty of cash and leave space in your rucksack for cheese as all seven dairies sell their delicious produce on site.

In the only Swiss monastery show factory you can experience live how cheese is made by hand and how regional milk is processed into cheese specialities (from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.).

Safety guidelines

Mehrtägige Wanderung (etwa 14,5 Stunden reine Marschzeit) auf markierten Wanderwegen. Kondition und Trittsicherheit erforderlich. Schwierigkeit: T3.


Getting there

6390 Engelberg