How would you like to arrive?
- 00:45 h
- 111 m
- 24 m
- 858 m
- 967 m
- 109 m
- 1.64 km
- Start: Bürgenstock Resort
- Destination: Hammetschwand Lift
At the Bürgenstock Resort you walk along the first section of the rock path "Felsenweg Bürgenstock". After about 45 minutes of hiking, you reach the valley station of the Hammetschwand lift.
The Felsenweg is accessible during the summer season from around May to October. The opening of the Felsenweg and Hammetschwand lift is communicated on
Good to know
Best to visit
Tour information
Directions & Parking facilities
- Route planner to Stansstad, P+Rail Stansstad, then by Postbus from Stansstad to Bürgenstock Zentrum (Resort)
- Route planner to Bürgenstock Resort, limited number of parking spaces.
- Route planner to Ennetbürgen, Honegg car park. Limited number of parking spaces.
- P+Rail Stansstad
- Bürgenstock Resort, limited number of parking spaces.
- Ennetbürgen, Parkplatz Honegg
Additional information
Nidwalden Tourismus
Bahnhofplatz 2
6370 Stans
+41 41 610 88 33
[email protected]
Further tours at
Nidwalden Tourismus
Nidwalden Tourismus
Safety guidelines
Ab Dienstag, 26. November 2024, gilt auf der gesamten Länge des Felsenwegs die Wintersperre.