Flowers and snakes in a wild and romantic area




12.71 km long
Difficulty: medium
condition: medium
Great panorama
  • 05:06 h
  • 1,140 m
  • 1,135 m
  • 787 m
  • 1,827 m
  • 1,040 m
  • 12.71 km
  • Start: Restaurant Schwarzenbach, Bisistal
  • Destination: Restaurant Schwarzenbach, Bisistal
On the way in the Bisistal with flowers and snakes in wild romantic area.

Our starting point is the bus station "Hinter Seeberg" Bisistal near the EBS (power station of the district Schwyz) power station, which was built near the largest karst spring of the Muota valley. The Bisistal valley is one of the areas with the highest rainfall on the north side of the Alps, so it was only natural to use hydropower. In the years between 1952 and 1970, various power stations were built along the Muota.On a steep path we reach the Rätschtal, which is known for its rich floral splendour. On the sunny oak you can often see adders sunbathing. At the Hintersten Hütte we take the way southwards over the "Stägen", direction Geitenberg. The steeply erected limestone layers are impressive. At the highest point of our hike, the cross on the Geitenberg, where the traces of the 1st August fire can still be seen, our efforts are rewarded with the view of a unique mountain wreath. In the mountain spring we are surprised here with an undreamt-of variety of flowers, whereby beside Arnika, Männertreu, Anemone, Pippau, Trollblume, Knabenkraut and Teufelskralle the far away visible yellow of the Aurikel (Vorblüemli) is noticeable. The wildly romantic, steep terrain down to Bärensol and Schwarzenbach is still home to adders.The Restaurant Schwarzenbach is located on a hilltop which was of strategic importance in prehistoric times. Bronze tools found in the penultimate century testify to the presence of prehistoric hunters from around 1800 BC.We reach the starting point Seeberg via the Way of the Cross which leads from the chapel in Schwarzenbach down to Schönenboden.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Bisistal - Hinter Seeberg - Mittsten Hütten (Rätschtal) - Geitenberg - Bärensol - Schwarzenbach - Bisistal

Directions & Parking facilities

By car direction Schwyz, then direction Muotathal. From Muotathal drive into Bisisthal until Restaurant Schwarzenabch.
Parking spaces are available at the Restaurant Schwarzenbach.
By train to Schwyz, railway station. Continue by bus No. 1 in the direction of Muotathal. To the bus stop Bisistal, Schwarzenbach.

Additional information


Stoos-Muotatal Tourismus


Stoos-Muotatal Tourismus GmbH


Getting there
Flowers and snakes in a wild and romantic area
6436 Muotathal