How would you like to arrive?
- 05:00 h
- 901 m
- 926 m
- 531 m
- 838 m
- 307 m
- 63.26 km
- Start: Willisau station
- Destination: Burgdorf station
Starting at Willisau station, you follow the red signposts (route 99) all the way. Most of the tour is away from main roads and is made up of ascents and descents as it negotiates the numerous hills of the Emmental. It is peppered with lovely views, magnificent farmsteads and welcoming guest houses.
Willisau: with its historical sights, the little medieval town of Willisau merits more than a cursory visit. With its seven-sided fountains, two town gates and welcoming restaurants, the old part of town exudes a particular atmosphere.
Good to know
Best to visit
Ab Bahnhof Willisau durch die historische Altstadt immer der Signatlisation der Herzroute 99 entlang. Nicht mit der Herzschlaufe 399 verwechseln!
Directions & Parking facilities
Additional information
Die Rent a Bike AG ist Partner für die Vermietung der E-Bikes auf der Herzroute. Reservieren Sie Ihr Bike am besten im Voraus bei den Stationen in Willisau, Langnau und Entlebuch. Weitere Infos finden Sie hier. Auch für Gruppen buchbar.
Willisau Tourismus
Willisau Tourismus
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author