How would you like to arrive?
- 02:00 h
- 56 m
- 21 m
- 552 m
- 612 m
- 60 m
- 7.84 km
- Start: Schlattli bus stop (old funicular railway)
- Destination: Muotathal village
A Muotathaler led a tourist to the Wasserbergfirst. At the top of the ridge the inexperienced mountaineer was dizzy and he crawled on all fours towards the cross. The Muotathaler turned to him in astonishment and said: "Chash frööli uufstaa, ä schlasch dr Grind niänä aa!
From the Schlattli to the church bridge in the Muotathal there are 25 tree trunks with such and similar anecdotes from our valley. According to the character of the people they are mostly unexpected, supplementary answers; dry and sometimes a little hearty in nature. The punch line often lies in the ambiguity of the language and makes you smile. The two-hour hike is easy to manage and offers something for both physical and mental training. Here is another Müsterli:
Two women prayed the rosary alternately on the annual 'um's Wasser' (for water) prayer tour. After ten 'Hail Mary,' one woman said to the other: "I have a tough time! To which the person spoke to replied: "I would not like to be afraid".
The path is marked with special hiking trail signs.
Good to know
Best to visit
Tour information
Cultural Interesting
Stop at an Inn
Directions & Parking facilities
Drive towards Muotathal in Schwyz. The valley station is directly on the road.
Address of Schwyz-Stoos funicular railway valley station:
Stoosbahnen AG, Grundstrasse 230, 6430 Schwyz
Additional information
Zwischen der vorderen Brücke und der Gietzenenbrücke kreuzt der Witzwanderweg die Schusslinie des Schiessstandes Fluhhof. Informationen zu diesem Wegabschnitt.
An den Stationen der Stoosbahnen sind kostenlose Prospekte mit Informationen zum Gratwanderweg vorhanden:
Erlebniskarte Stoos, Wanderkarte Region Stoos-Muotatal, Prospekt Witzwanderweg
Stoos-Muotatal Tourismus / Schwyzer Wanderwege
Schwyzer Wanderwege
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
Safety guidelines