Laucherenstöckli (1'756 m.ü.M.)




8.42 km long
Difficulty: medium
condition: easy
Great panorama
Ski and Snowboard
  • 02:00 h
  • 650 m
  • 650 m
  • 1,089 m
  • 1,753 m
  • 664 m
  • 8.42 km
  • Start: Tschalun, Laucheren Talstation
  • Destination: Laucherenstöckli
Despite the proximity of the ski area, most of the ascent takes place off-piste. Very popular and easy ski tour.

Admission / DepartureA)

Normal route from Tschalun. Difficulty L
-Ascent / descent: 663m | Counter ascent on descent: 0m
- Starting altitude: 1088 m above sea level | Target altitude: 1753 m above sea level
- Time required for ascent: 2¼ h | Distance: 4.3 km
- Places along the route: Alt Stafel (Schwyz - SZ)Admission / DepartureB) from Saint Charles. Difficulty L
- Ascent / descent: 594m | Counter ascent on descent: 19m
- Starting altitude: 1178 m above sea level | Target altitude: 1753 m above sea level
- Time required for ascent: 2 h | Distance: 4.1 km
- Places along the route: Eseltritt - Altberg (Schwyz - SZ) - Sternenegg Further possibilities (without track)Admission / DepartureC) from Illgau. Difficulty WS
- Ascent / descent: 956m | Counter ascent on descent: 0m
- Starting altitude: 797 m above sea level | Target altitude: 1753 m above sea level
- Time required for ascent: 3 h | Distance: 4.6 km- Places along the route: IllgauFurther possibilities (without track)DepartureD) to Illgau. Difficulty WS
- downhill: 947m | counter ascent on downhill: 0m
- Starting altitude: 1753 m above sea level | Target altitude: 797 m above sea level
- Time required for descent: 1 h | Distance: 4.2 km
- Places along the route: Ober Chruthüttli
- Riedmatt (Illgau - SZ) - Illgau

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Alt Stafel (Schwyz - SZ)


  • Tourenausrüstung

  • Getränke und Verpflegung

  • Allenfalls eine Karte

Directions & Parking facilities

By car on the A4 to exit Schwyz, then direction Muotathal to the bus stop Muotathal Post.
Parking is available in Muotathal village.
By train to Schwyz-Seewen station, then by bus to Muotathal Post station.


Einsiedeln-Ybrig-Zürichsee Tourismus



Safety guidelines


Bei unsicherer Schneelage empfehlen wir Ihnen das Lawinenbulletin zu konsultieren. Jede Wintersportlerin / jeder Wintersportler ist für sich selbst verantwortlich und nutzt die Skitouren auf eigene Gefahr.


Getting there
Laucherenstöckli (1'756 m.ü.M.)
8843 Oberiberg