Mountain flower trail Trübsee - Obertrübsee




2.46 km long
round trip
Difficulty: easy
condition: very easy
Great panorama
Theme trail
  • 00:40 h
  • 89 m
  • 1,711 m
  • 1,800 m
  • 89 m
  • 2.46 km
  • Start: Bergstation Trübsee
  • Destination: Obertrübsee
On the mountain flower path Trübsee you walk from the middle station Trübsee comfortably along the lake to Obertrübsee.

The mountain plants are exposed to the extreme living conditions in the alpine mountain world. At higher altitudes, the summer is very short and the plants have little time to flower. On the newly created mountain flower nature trails on Gerschnialp and Trübsee the visitor gets to know different mountain flower species and their living conditions in an uncomplicated way. Surrounded by an impressive alpine mountain and glacier world, the hiker can inform himself about the mountain flowers that have settled here by means of yellow boards.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Tour information

  • Loop Road

Additional information

Du kannst auch beide Bergblumenpfade kombinieren. Entweder gehst du die Strecke Obertrübsee–Untertrübsee zu Fuss oder du nimmst die Luftseilbahn «Älplerseil». Das Ticket für die Fahrt mit dem «Älplerseil» ist im Bergbahnticket Engelberg–Trübsee retour inbegriffen.


Engelberg - Titlis Tourismus


Engelberg-Titlis Tourismus

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

Auf jeder Blumentafel findest du einen 9-stelligen Ziffernschlüssel. Ein Infoblatt mit der Bedeutung der Codes findest du im Flyer "Zeichenschlüssel".


Getting there
Mountain flower trail Trübsee - Obertrübsee
6386 Wolfenschiessen