How would you like to arrive?
- 02:59 h
- 288 m
- 288 m
- 1,347 m
- 1,636 m
- 289 m
- 9.96 km
- Start: Sörenberg, Rossweid
- Destination: Sörenberg, Rossweid
The moorland in the Rossweid-Salwiden region is part of the core zone of the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch. The round walk is ideal for families, as it's not too long nor too steep and passes through some lovely and varied natural scenery. The children are sure to enjoy that.
Right at the start of the hike, the trail leads through the Mooraculum and along the Sonnentauweg trail at the Rossweid upper terminus. It's going to be difficult to lure the children away from the moor waterpark, but at the end of the walk you'll return to the playground - promise! The Sonnentauweg is a trail dotted with 17 interactive stations explaining the moor. You learn how a moor is created, find out about the moor dwellers and, above all, are encouraged to experience the moor with all your senses. After the Sonnentauweg, our hike leads past the Schwarzenegg refuge, around the Hundknubel and past the striking moors. Take off your shoes and walk barefoot through the slurping wetness - it'll do your feet a world of good. Always in view are the enchanting mountains - the Brienzer Rothorn chain to start with, and later the Schrattenfluh. The round walk leads via Alp Salwide back to Rossweid. Anyone wanting to go further can carry on down into the valley. Meanwhile the brave do the descent on bikeboards.
Good to know
Best to visit
Directions & Parking facilities
Additional information
Rothornstrasse 21
CH-6174 Sörenberg
Tel. +41 41 488 11 85
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UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
- Use the Rossweid gondola cableway for the initial ascent
- Allow enough time for the Mooraculum water park
- Descent by bikeboard
Safety guidelines
Offizielle Karte der Schweizer Wanderwege 1:33'333 «Napf-Sörenberg», ISBN-Nummer 978-3-302-33321-2