How would you like to arrive?
- 00:39 h
- 42 m
- 194 m
- 1,559 m
- 1,752 m
- 193 m
- 2.19 km
- Start: Rigi Staffel
- Destination: Rigi Kulm
The winter hiking trail from Rigi Staffel to Rigi Kulm via Kulmhütte has an ascent of about 180 meters. A wonderful panoramic view awaits you on Rigi Kulm.
Good to know
Best to visit
Rigi Staffel - Schinenfluh - Kulmhütte - Rigi Kulm
Tour information
High profiled hiking boots or trakking boots, rain jacket, drink, food and walking sticks when possible.
Directions & Parking facilities
However, we recommend you to arrive by public transportations instead of cars: just lean back, enjoy and do something good for the environment.
You can reach Rigi Staffel, the starting point of this hike, from Vitznau or Goldau by cogwheel railway.
Gäste-Service Rigi
Gäste-Service Rigi
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
The hike can be perfectly combined with a detour to the alpine farm Chäserenholz.
Safety guidelines
Please always follow the marked winter hiking trails.