Round trip Göscheneralp




21.26 km long
round trip
Difficulty: medium
condition: easy
Great panorama
  • 03:00 h
  • 730 m
  • 730 m
  • 1,097 m
  • 1,798 m
  • 701 m
  • 21.26 km
  • Start: Andermatt, tourist office
  • Destination: Bahnhof Göschenen

Sportliche Mountainbiketour durch das wildromantische Göschenertal.

Start off at the tourism office in Andermatt. First, follow the hiking trail through the Schöllenen Gorge. You are likely to see many hikers along the way. When you see how high the rock walls are you will understand why this gorge was such an obstacle to travelers in bygone times. At the end of the Schöllenen, you cross the Häderlis Bridge and follow the main road to Göschenen.
Cross the bridge in the centre of Göschenen and go left towards Göscheneralp. Outside the village you come to a sloping terrace, which extends until shortly before you reach Abfrutt; before you reach the hamlet, you turn left onto an unpaved road. The valley narrows in Wiggen, and once you are over the Göschenerreuss you are back on a tarred road that runs through a few unlit tunnels - you will need to bring your own torch to light the way! After the first few turns you reach a small road that takes you through a tunnel and through a rock wall before you arrive at a deep circular depression near the campsite in Gwüest. Here the view opens up to the grassy dam.
The Restaurant Göscheneralp in Gwüest is the first rest stop for hungry and thirsty bikers and there is also a simple bivouac available. There is a small roadway from the restaurant to the dam. The restaurant at the Damma Glacier is also the perfect place to be if you are hungry or thirsty.
Directly above the dam, the path takes you to where your descent will start. It is a good place to linger a while and marvel at the views of the Göscheneralpsee, the glaciers and the mountains. The Tiefenstock, Rhonestock, Dammastock, Schneestock and Eggstock peaks are also covered with snow in summer.
The descent takes you directly over the dam to the «old valley floor»; the initial road ends in a narrow pathway. Just before the pathway becomes a small road again, there are a couple of large boulders that will force even the experienced biker to dismount for a few metres.
The next challenge in store for you is after you leave the campsite. Here the path runs over some very rocky passages and affords a real treat for expert bikers. If you are not all that technically skilled then you might have to push your bike for about 15 minutes. From Wiggen and until you almost arrive at Göschenen you follow the same route as on your uphill run - you are on the hiking trail the whole way.

Food and drink:
Gasthaus Göscheneralp
Tel.:+41 (0)41 885 11 74

Berggasthaus Dammagletscher
Tel.: +41 (0)41 886 88 68

See also
Andermatt-Urserntal Tourismus GmbH
Gotthardstrasse 2
CH-6490 Andermatt
Tel.: +41 (0)41 888 71 00
Fax: +41 (0)41 888 71 01
Email: [email protected]

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Andermatt - Schöllenenschlucht - Göschenen - Göscheneralp - Göschenen

Tour information

  • Barrier-Free

  • Loop Road

  • Stop at an Inn


  • Lichtset ist notwendig

Directions & Parking facilities

Göschenen liegt direkt mit der Autobahn A2 erschlossen und daher sehr gut erreichbar. 

Beim Bahnhof in Göschenen sowie im Dorf beim Coop gibt es viele Parkmöglichkeiten. Alternativ können Sie auch in Andermatt parkieren und mit dem Zug nach Göschenen. 

Göschenen ist sehr gut erschlossen mit Zugverbindungen vom Tessin sowie Andermatt und allgemein der Zentralschweiz. Der Fahrplan ist folgender: Fahrplan SBB

Additional information


Andermatt-Urserntal Tourismus GmbH


Ferienregion Andermatt

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

  • Die Sicht auf Göscheneralpsee, Gletscher und Berge ist fantastisch. Tiefen-, Rhone-, Damma-, Schnee- und Eggstock sind auch im Sommer schneebedeckt

Safety guidelines

  • Beachten Sie die Wetterprognosen und Wegsperrungen 


Getting there
Round trip Göscheneralp
6487 Göschenen