On the way in the history of the railway village
You start at Erstfeld railway station. On the way, you will experience Erstfeld's railway history at first hand: you will explore hidden corners, encounter village originals and learn all kinds of things about the influence of the railway on the village. In an interesting way, you will learn more about how Erstfeld changed from a tranquil farming community to a bustling railway village with the start of construction of the Gotthard Railway and how the village learnt to live from and with the railway. Along the way, you save Erstfeld from impending disaster.
Entertainment for everyone, at any time
Adventurers who enjoy puzzles can complete the scavenger hunt at any time of day or night, independently and without registration. The offer is therefore ideal for anyone who is spontaneous and quick on the draw. It is just as suitable for groups and school classes as it is for day tourists or families with children. Discover the railway village in an entertaining way.
Good to know
Individual offer
mental exercise
Free time
Target group
Individual guests
school classes
Foreign Language
Payment Options
Directions & Parking facilities
Alternatively, the buses of Auto AG Uri will take you to the station or you can travel by car. You can find the timetable of the AAGU at aagu.ch/fahrplan
Important notice
Start: at Erstfeld railway station
Duration: Around 1.5 hours
Age: From 8 years
Cost: Free of charge
Equipment: Good shoes, weatherproof clothing and a fully charged smartphone with internet
By the way: The scavenger hunt is also suitable for wheelchair users
Package feature