Organ Festival Lucerne



International organists will give the monumental organ of the Hofkirche a new sound at the Lucerne Organ Festival.
As the most important church building of the Renaissance in Switzerland, the Church of St. Leodegar forms the oldest core of music cultivation in Lucerne. It owes its church-musical charisma to a centuries-old liturgical tradition. When it was rebuilt after the church fire in 1633, it received a monumental organ, the baroque substance of which has been preserved to this day.

Its versatile tonal possibilities offer the opportunity to perform music of different styles and to bring it closer to a broadly interested audience.

Stéphane Mottoul, the collegiate organist of the Church of St. Leodegar, is a musician who knows the diversity of this instrument and knows how to use it skilfully. Together with Ludwig Wicki they develop a varied and exciting musical program.



It takes about 13 minutes to walk from Lucerne railway station to the Hofkirche Lucerne. The distance is 0.8 km. If you are travelling by car, you can park in the "City Parking" or the "Casino Parking".

Contact person

Verein Musik am Hof
St. Leodegar-Strasse 13


Getting there
Organ Festival Lucerne
Hofkirche St. Leodegar
6006 Luzern