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- 00:40 h
- 65 m
- 65 m
- 1,197 m
- 1,230 m
- 33 m
- 4.92 km
- Start: Restaurant Oberberg
- Destination: Restaurant Oberberg
The Schwyz and Ibach ski clubs groom a 5-kilometre cross-country ski trail on the high plateau of the Oberberg. This is connected to the Swiss cross-country ski trail pass. The start is at the Oberberg inn. The profile of the trail is hilly and winding, but very scenic. The Muotathal Alps with Wasserberg, Blüemberg and Chaiserstock greet you on the way. The trail, which is groomed for classic and skating, can also be used in the evening. After-work cross-country skiers switch on the lights themselves.
Good to know
Best to visit
Gasthaus Oberberg - Zimmerstalden - Schlössli - Gasthaus Oberberg
Tour information
Loop Road
Stop at an Inn
Das neu renovierte Gasthaus Oberberg mit seiner aussichtreichen Sonnenterrasse liegt direkt neben der Loipe. Im Untergeschoss befindet sich links der Restauranteingangstüre eine kleine Garderobe inkl. Dusche und WC für die Langläufer. Mo und Di bleibt die Garderobe geschlossen (Wirtesonntag).
Directions & Parking facilities
Or coming from Einsiedeln direction - Oberiberg - Ibergeregg - Unter Altberg - Oberberg
In the village of Illgau there are also alternative parking spaces available.
Alternatively by train to Schwyz, train station then continue by bus in the direction of Muotathal (line 501) to the stop Ried cable cars Illgau-Ried-Illgau and Illgau-St. Karl/Vorderoberberg, 10 min walk along the winter hiking trail.
Additional information
Stoos-Muotatal Tourismus
Stoos-Muotatal Tourismus GmbH
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
Langlaufschule Schwyz
Martin Brügger
+41 79 415 92 38
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