How would you like to arrive?
- 03:00 h
- 1,104 m
- 1,242 m
- 2,346 m
- 1,104 m
- 6.13 km
- Start: Brienzer Rothorn
- Destination: Schönebode car park
The starting point of the hike is on the ridge of the Brienzer Rothorn, which you can easily reach by aerial cableway: fantastic views of Brienz, Lake Brienz and the Bernese Alps. Descend towards Lake Eisee and from there towards Schönebode.
Good to know
Best to visit
Brienzer Rothorn - Eisee - Schönenboden
Tour information
Stop at an Inn
Directions & Parking facilities
Additional information
Die Wanderung finden Sie in der Wanderpanoramakarte von Sörenberg-Flühli Toruismus. Sie können diese im Broschüren-Shop herunterladen oder bestellen.
Sörenberg Flühli Tourismus
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
During the last third of the walk, make a detour to the Emmensprung. It's well worth it!
Safety guidelines
Informationen zum aktuellen Zustand des Wanderwegnetzes von Sörenberg-Flühli erhalten Sie täglich auf der Panoramawanderkarte.