How would you like to arrive?
- 04:18 h
- 636 m
- 640 m
- 396 m
- 753 m
- 357 m
- 58.16 km
- Start: Gelfingen
- Destination: Gelfingen
This tour leads you past traditional orchards in Gelfingen via Richensee up to Herlisberg. The route then follows the range of hills via Römerswil to Rain. From Rain you follow the Heart Route to Hünenberg. You continue via Sins to Abtwil and return to Gelfingen via Hochdorf.
Also see
Kronenplatz 24
CH-5600 Lenzburg
Tel: +41 (0)62 886 45 46
Fax: +41 (0)62 886 45 35
E-Mail: [email protected]
Good to know
Best to visit
Gelfingen - Richensee - Herlisberg - Römerswil - Traselingen - Rain - Urswil - Eschenbach - Dietwil - Hünenberg - Sins - Abtwil - Ottenhusen - Hochdorf - Nunwil - Retschwil - Richensee - Gelfingen
Follow the waymarking of SwitzerlandMobility routes 56, 84, 94
Directions & Parking facilities
Additional information
Seetal Tourismus
Niederlenzerstrasse 25
5600 Lenzburg
+41 (0)41 920 45 29
[email protected]
Seetal Tourismus
Seetal Tourismus
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
Probieren Sie die regionalen Produkte der Hochstamm Produkte GmbH:
Die Tour ist im Frühling während der «Bluescht» (Blütezeit) besonders schön!