How would you like to arrive?
- 01:10 h
- 108 m
- 108 m
- 628 m
- 734 m
- 106 m
- 4.01 km
- Start: Stalden
- Destination: Stalden
The route starts at Hölloch and leads to Brunni. After Brunni we go to Herrgottstutz to the Husky Lodge, which offers a stop for refreshments. From the Husky Lodge we go to the Hintere Brücke and back towards Stalden.
Good to know
Best to visit
Gute und sichere Trekkingschuhe.
Directions & Parking facilities
Additional information
Stoos-Muotatal Tourismus GmbH
041 818 08 80
Stoos-Muotatal Tourismus
Stoos-Muotatal Tourismus GmbH
Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author
Einkehrsmöglichkeiten bietet sich das Hüttenhotel Husky Lodge.