How would you like to arrive?
- 04:30 h
- 122 m
- 122 m
- 1,522 m
- 1,644 m
- 122 m
- 2.37 km
- Start: Furggelen
- Destination: Furggelen
(Oberiberg, Tschalun / Brunni, Hotel Brunni) - Furggelen - Furggelenstock - Schindleneggen - Furggelen
Good to know
Best to visit
Recommended equipment for snowshoe sportsmen:
- Snowshoes, winter shoes (good hiking boots), depending on weather conditions wind jacket, sweater, gloves, cap, sunglasses, gaiters and walking sticks.
- For longer tours rucksack with drink and catering
- We recommend map 1:25000, compass, if available GPS
- Pocket pharmacy and any required medication
Directions & Parking facilities
A3 Richtung Feusisberg - Biberbrugg - Gross - Euthal - Unter-Oberiberg
A3 Richtung Feusisberg - Biberbrugg - Einsiedeln - Alpthal - Brunni
Ab Oberiberg: Parkmöglichkeit bei Müller's Posthotel
Von Einsiedeln mit Bus nach Gross - Euthal - Unter- Oberiberg
Von Einsiedeln mit Bus nach Alpthal - Brunni
Additional information
For the sake of the wildlife:
- Attention: Please respect the recommended game rest zone.
- In winter, wild animals need quiet retreats to survive.
- Please stay on the route so that the wildlife is not disturbed.
- Please keep your dog on a leash.
Einsiedeln-Ybrig-Zürichsee Tourismus
Safety guidelines
For your safety - stay on the route!
SVS snow shoe routes are marked, signposted, safe from avalanches and nature-friendly.
Order snowshoe maps from the Swiss Snowshoe Association (
Leave the route forbidden in the nature reserve and hunting ban area!