Gätterli hike




10.18 km long
Difficulty: medium
condition: medium
Great panorama
  • 04:05 h
  • 596 m
  • 1,296 m
  • 436 m
  • 1,474 m
  • 1,038 m
  • 10.18 km
  • Start: Urmiberg mountain station
  • Destination: Urmiberg valley station
This scenic and challenging hike offers you a variety from straight stretches to steep slopes over hill and dale.

The hike begins with a slight incline at the mountain station of the Urmiberg cable car. The trail continues upwards to the Gätterli, where you can enjoy a breathtaking view of Lake Lucerne and the surrounding mountains. Treat yourself to a break in the Gätterlipass restaurant. Then it's a steep descent to Bärfallen and further down to the Urmiberg valley station.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Urmiberg – Gätterli – Bärfallen - Brunnen

Tour information

  • Stop at an Inn


Hiking shoes with good tread or trekking shoes, rain jacket, drink, food, possibly poles.

Directions & Parking facilities

Take A4 to Schwyzerstrasse/Route 2/Route 8 in Ingenbohl, take A4/E41 exit 40-Weggis. Follow route 2b to Schillerweg.

Muota car park tariff: 1h free / 2h CHF 0.50 / 3h CHF 1.00 / 4h CHF 2.00 / 5h CHF 3.00 / 6h CHF 4.00 / 7h - 24h CHF 5.00 from 25 h, per additional hour CHF +0.20 no parking restriction.

By train to Brunnen railway station, then take bus line 502, getting off at the stop Brunnen, Seilb. Urmiberg.

The departure times from Brunnen Bahnhof can be found here.

Additional information

Information on the Urmiberg cable car timetable can be found here.


Erlebnisregion Mythen


Schwyzer Wanderwege


Getting there
Gätterli hike
6440 Ingenbohl